Nov, 2015

online bank account information

Think before you click!! Every day we visit different websites and handover our names, password, credit card information’s …. Have we ever thought what happens to that data?

The Internet has become an important part in everyone’s life be it an individual or a kid. We all spend a lot of time surfing on the internet to grab information. The online shopping trend has also become very common these days. Our search can be for different purposes and on different websites, sometimes on social networking sites for fun, another time on several shopping websites. While making transactions, we type in a lot of personal details such as our password, credit card details and much more. But have you ever wondered where all our information is going and is it completely safe?

It has been noticed that there were around 62,000 cyber attacks that took place in the year 2014-2015.

Ritu Taura, a housewife realized that her computer was infected when money started to disappear from her account. The virus spread via a spam email. She became a spammer herself, bombarding friends with emails offering great deals and discounts. Initially, small amount disappeared from her account but with time this amount became huge and it was at this point when she realized that there was something wrong happening. On inquiry, Ritu realized that this was not because of an easy guess of the password, but one of her PC was acquiring her personal details such as name, email id, bank account information, etc., and handing it over to the cyber criminals. This virus had entered her PC as soon as she clicked on a cleverly disguised attachment or visited an infected website.

Internet Monsters constantly monitoring your online transactions and are ready to grab all your data. But do you have an idea how they do it?

Many times there is someone who is spying on you. As soon as you type in your personal details like username, password, upload photographs they instantly store it and use it in the wrong way leading you into big trouble. All the moves and actions that you make on your PC can prove out to be useful for hackers which they share easily. Hackers use our personal computers to perform different sort of tasks. They can send wrong information or messages to your known ones or can access your bank account to take out money.

This data can also be used by these unauthorized users to blackmail you for some selfish motives. A hacker can go to the extent of blackmailing you to transfer some amount of money to his account failing which he may make your private pictures public.

Hacking cases can be very dangerous as it becomes really very difficult to convince the hacker to give back all your bank account information and stop accessing your system any further.

So it is always advisable not to click on suspicious links and verify banking, shopping URL to become a victim of these scams. Thus, it is always suggested that one should use advanced Antivirus software to protect oneself from all malicious threats.

The Author

Abhijeet Guha

Abhijeet is an active blogger with decent experience in the IT Security industry. He researches on various topics related to cyber security and pens down his research in the form of articles & blogs. You can reach him at abhijeet@reveantivirus.com.
Abhijeet Guha
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